Applying for hourly or half-day leaves is just as easy as a normal leave request.

1) Message "menu" to AttendanceBot to open the options menu navigator.

2) Select ‘Apply’ to open a request form.

3) After making a leave type selection, under “Leave Duration” choose “Few hours” or “first/second half.” Note that few hours will allow you to submit in 15 minutes increments.

Additional tips:

  • Each leave type is configured to allow or disallow hourly and half-day leaves. As such, “few hours” or “first half” may not be available for some leave, but will be available for others. This is up to your team admin to configure per company policy. (Admins can reference this article to configure their leave rules.)

  • You can override hourly, half day, and single day requests by submitting a new request for the day, however editing only a part of an hourly or daily request will require that you delete the original request. This is done using the “time off” sub-menu - find more info in this article

  • To request in increments of less than 15 minutes, you’ll need to use the command request shortcut by messaging AttendanceBot with the type and timing of the leave, like “sick 4:05 to 5pm today” or “pto tomorrow 8:30 to 10:20 am”.