Here is a step by step guide to installing Attendancebot in MS Teams

  • Open Microsoft Teams and click on the "Apps" button on the lower-left corner of the sidebar and search for AttendanceBot.

  • Click on the AttendanceBot App card and then click "Add"

  • Finally, the most important step is to select a channel. Do not click open before selecting a channel, or you will create a personal install in which AttendanceBot cannot be accessed by other team members.
    • Note: if you miss this step and select open, you just need to go back and add to a channel to enable team access. To do so, find AttendanceBot again by searching apps, open the card, and click Open -- this will re-initiate the channel selection option.

A note if you have multiple team who need access: it is preferrable to create a single Microsoft Teams team that includes everyone you'd like to have access to AttendanceBot, although AttendanceBot does allow "merging" of different teams within the same tenant into a single administrative account.

Troubleshooting: If other colleagues are not able to use AttendanceBot, it is likely you've added it to the wrong team OR forgotten to add to a shared channel. Please follow the above steps to ensure the right people have access.

Here is a quick video: