Download your team’s work hours and absence days easily with reports. Export them to Excel files to analyze more deeply or process as needed.
Note: Admins have access to reports of the entire team while managers can access time, absence, and payroll data for their reportees. Only admins and managers have access to advanced reporting. Employees can only generate their own time, absence, and payroll data.
Here’s the complete list of information available to you in the reports. For Slack these will be available from the menu or "report" command, for MS Teams these will be available from the dashboard (for admins) or by naming the report in chat (for employees).
Timesheet: Data about every punch.
Timestamp: date and exact time for each in or out.
Duration: Total hours in punch block
Source: where the punch originated
Late: Shows the duration by which an employee is late for work if configured.
Edited by + at: log of whether the punch was edited, when, and by whom
Leave: All your approved leave data.
Leave date: date of each leave
Leave Type: type of time off approved
Leave Duration: time period for which the user has taken the time off
Approved by & at: approver and timing of approval
Payroll: Total hours worked and payable.
Total Day Duration: Total hours worked on that day.
Notes: callouts for leave taken and/or weekends
Shift timesheet: Total hours worked in shifts.
Start & end time: start & end of shift
Shift duration hours: hours between start and end of shift
Work hours: actual clocked time during shift hours
Timesheet Summary: Summary of work hours aggregated by day..
In: first in clock of the day
out: last out clock of the day
Total hours: Total hours worked
OT: overtime, calculated per policy configuration
Leave Summary: Summary of time offs taken by your team in the given time period, by type of time off.
Leave Balance: Snapshot or remaining time offs balances at time of report.
Payroll Summary: Summary of total hours, aggregated for the full period selected.
Shift Hours: Total hours scheduled as shifts for each employee.